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The latest BEE Ownership and Advisory insights created by our experts.

Nelson Mandela Day: Making it count

BEE Advisory, Skills Development, BEE Consulting

A season of reflection and giving With the recent celebration of Nelson Madela Day, this time and the inspiration of Madiba’s...

What are the key takeaways from the gazetting of the NHI Act? Is your business ready for the change?

BEE Advisory, Skills Development, BEE Consulting

The recent gazetting of South Africa's National Health Insurance (NHI) Act 20 of 2023, without an implementation date, has th...


BEE Advisory, Skills Development, BEE Consulting, Disability

The Skills Development pillar (codes series 300) contributes up to 20 points (with an additional 5 bonus points) on the overa...

BEE Ownership for Multinationals - An Introduction

BEE Ownership, Employee Ownership (ESOP), Multinational BEE

Multinationals operating in South Africa must have a Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) status that enables them to sustainably...

ESOP - Achieving BEE Ownership Through Employee Ownership

BEE Ownership, Employee Ownership (ESOP), Competition Commission, Multinational BEE

Employee Share Ownership Plans (ESOPs) involve providing targeted employees with an ownership stake in their employing compan...

BEE Ownership & Competition Commission: Public Interest Considerations

BEE Ownership, Employee Ownership (ESOP), Competition Commission

Investing in South Africa as a Multinational For many multinational companies, investing in South Africa can challenge even t...

What is the Future of the Integrated Transport Sector Codes?

Transformation News, BEE Consulting

The Transport Sector has been left in a state of uncertainty over the last 8 years. All Sector Codes were required to align t...

Why Employee Disability Disclosure Is Important


Employee Disability Disclosure starts with Disability Inclusion. We explore Disability and what organizations need to conside...